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This large group of birds includes most of our backyard neighbors which are comprised of very small (hummingbirds), larger-than-average (crows) and every size in between (robins, cardinals, wrens, etc.).


  • Any that were attacked by another animal, especially a cat.
  • Any that were hit by a car or moving equipment.
  • Any that have flies or ants swarming.
  • Injured nestlings that have fallen from their nest.
  • Fledglings that do not move away when approached.
  • Any that have flown into your window/glass door - place the bird in a shoebox or pet carrier and leave it alone in a quiet dark room for an hour, then try to release the bird outside. If it is unable to fly away successfully, it will need a wildlife rehabilitator.


  • Healthy Fledglings - most of our native songbirds leave the nest before they are fully flighted, learning to fly from the ground while still being tended to by their parents.
  • Re-nestable Nestlings - if a songbird has fallen and seems uninjured (no blood or bruising), try to put the baby back in its nest if it is safely reached. If it jumps out, it is a fledgling and should be left alone (see above).


  • DO NOT force feed any injured bird. Unskilled hands can force food/water into the lungs and excess handling can cause shock and exacerbate the bird’s injuries.
  • DO NOT feed any baby bird, even if it is begging. Unskilled hands can force food/water into the lungs and an improper diet can be fatal.

See Transporting Wildlife. Keep it warm and quiet.